Impact Games is a world renowned pioneer in creating compelling interactive experiences around current events. Our aim is to partner with and enable organizations to change the way people consume information and understand the world around them.
Promote deeper engagement with current events around the world.
Create avenues for reaching new audiences.
Repackage diverse content into an interactive environment.

ImpactGames has developed two award-winning products that are ready for you to consume and we are always dreaming up what's next. You can play PeaceMaker, the world-renowned game that continues to engage and educate people on issues surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, or better yet work with us to create a new game on the underlying engine about other pressing global issues. You can view our Beta Play the News community and revisit our now historical news games, engage with our newest rendition surrounding the 2012 Election, or partner with us to start your own community and interactive newsroom today.

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Delivering meaningful experiences that reach, engage, inform, and activate people in new ways is at the core of our company's mission. Whether you are looking for new ways to communicate with and motivate your existing audience, access a new audience, or both, we can work with you to evaluate, design, and develop a solution to meet your needs. Don't know where to begin? We are happy to bring our field expertise to you and help you get your bearings in the interactive and game space. Already know where you want to go? We can help you on everything from design concepts, to full design documents and development.

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